World class training


I studied at the prestigious Hypnotherapy Academy of America (HAA) and practice Integral Hypnotherapy™. Integral Hypnotherapy™, developed by Tim and Angela Simmerman Sierra and only taught at HAA, combines classical hypnotherapy with modern methods and protocols. It is the only approach scientifically validated by National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded research. A 4-year, 3 million dollar study funded by NIH and conducted at the University of New Mexico Hospital utilizing Integral Hypnotherapy™ methodology was a huge success. The study showed that hypnotherapy had equal (and in some individuals, superior) results to that of standard medical drug therapy for the treatment of Overactive bladder (OAB)/Urinary Urgency Incontinence (UUI) in women. Click here for more information regarding the study.


I am a Certified Medical Support Clinical Hypnotherapist and Fellow of the International Board of Hypnotherapy (IBH). IBH has the most rigorous requirements for certification and exists to regulate and maintain a demonstrated level of professional training, ability, reliability and ethics in the hypnotherapy community.


I am certified in natal, interlife and past life regression therapy and utilize it where appropriate to heal issues, solve problems and achieve goals.

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