Hypnosis for Medical Support.
Who you are...
You’re an individual who wants to live life to the fullest.
You have many goals.
You are eager to experience all that life has to offer.
You don’t want to miss out.
If it weren’t for your medical condition, you’d be living that life.
Maybe you’re a young woman with an autoimmune disease that seemingly came out of nowhere or perhaps you’re a vibrant retiree struggling with an overactive bladder (OAB). In any case, your medical condition is getting in the way of you thriving – and traditional medicine has only taken you so far.
You trust your doctors and follow their protocols, but you know you can do better… You know there’s more healing available. You may be someone who is intrigued by alternative wellness options or someone who is willing to try anything to help relieve the pain or discomfort. The bottom line is that you will not let any medical condition get in the way of you living life to its full potential.
You are ready to explore new options and feel good now!
What your issues tend to be…
You’re frustrated with your health.
You’ve seen all of the specialists under the sun and perhaps you still suffer on a daily basis, or you get random bouts that interrupt your life flow. And more than that, you feel like you’re missing out on life. Your discomfort may be keeping you from enjoying social activities and having you feel alienated from your peers… Or maybe it’s keeping you from performing optimally in your work.
You are tired of living a second class life, and you know you’re no less deserving than anyone else from having it all.
Your medical condition is sucking up so much of your time. You are either dealing with the pain or discomfort, spending time with medical clinicians, just thinking about how you are missing out, or afraid a new bout will surprise you in the middle of an otherwise great time. Your physical condition is now affecting you mentally and has you sometimes feeling overwhelmed, hopeless and sad.
What you may need most right now…
A Plan.
A step-by-step healing protocol that will accelerate your medical plan.
Tools to help your mindset become more resilient, and your body manage pain.
A Shift.
A mindset shift to help your healing feel less overwhelming and more approachable.
Techniques you can easily apply to reduce symptoms.
Comprehensive pain management strategies.
An understanding that you are not powerless.
The Blueprint for you…
What this looks like…
In the first session, we’ll discuss your goal in depth and clarify what you want to experience after you’re done working with me. I’ll educate you on hypnosis and the model of the mind to show how you have within you everything you need to achieve your goal. I will then hypnotize you three times: once for you to get a sense of the experience and ask questions, once to saturate your mind with the positive suggestions and visualizations we develop together during the session, and then one final time where I teach you how to perform your own self-hypnosis. At the end of our time together, I will email you a recording of the hypnosis to listen to between sessions which are generally scheduled one week apart. This first session is a deep dive that lasts up to two hours.
Next, we’ll focus on your symptoms. This could take one session of our time, or more sessions depending on your needs. If pain is an issue, we’ll discuss the purpose of it and how the Fear-Tension-Pain Cycle may be affecting you. I will ask you to rate your pain or discomfort intensity from 0 to 10, with 0 being total comfort and 10 being excruciating pain. While you are in hypnosis, I will show you how to control the pain or discomfort in your body. In cases where symptoms don’t involve pain, I will give you tools to control those as well. I’ll teach you one or more techniques that you can then use on your own to manage the pain and/or other symptoms.
This is where we’ll spend the most time. I generally recommend a total of 8 sessions for most medical challenges although each client’s needs are evaluated individually. In sessions 3 through 8, I will guide you through various protocols specifically tailored to your needs. These sessions may consist not only of programming the mind with positive scripts and imagery but also reviewing past events so that you may understand, release, amend or replace beliefs that are blocking you from achieving your goal. This is where you may experience and release deep emotions.
Throughout your time working with me, while you are in hypnosis, I will guide you through various visualizations and imagery that range from beautiful scenes in nature to visualizing emotions within your body taking a specific form. In each case, you are seeking wisdom from your inner guidance. Have no doubt, your subconscious mind will provide the answers you need!
Like with most things, the more you put into your self-hypnosis practice, the more you will get out of it….. That is, the faster you will achieve your goal! Ideally, between sessions, you will perform self-hypnosis 2 times per day, once in the morning and once before you go to bed. I will provide you with self-hypnosis options of varying lengths so that you will have time to fit the practice into your day. You will always have the choice to listen to the hypnosis recordings from our live sessions or do a shortened self-hypnosis on your own. At times, I will recommend other assignments or exercises to expedite reaching your goal. This work is where you truly commit to achieving your goal by utilizing the resources I’ve provided in our sessions.