
Dana provides a variety of workshops in person and online to help people achieve specific goals. Each workshop includes an educational component, interactive exercises and group hypnosis.


The workshops and workshop series that Dana offers are listed below.  

If you do not see the topic you are interested in here, Dana also offers custom workshops that she will develop for your specific group or organization on an individual case basis.

  • How to Achieve Your Goals with Hypnosis

    • Witness the power of the mind

    • Understand the need for hypnotherapy via pattern exercises

    • Learn the Model of the Mind and how hypnosis works

    • Receive guided hypnosis

  • Self-hypnosis for Accelerated Learning & Test Taking

    • Learn how thoughts control the body

    • Identify what stands in the way of better test taking performance

    • Create anchors for positive resource states

    • Learn and experience self-hypnosis 

  • Hypnotherapy for Stress Management

    • Learn the types of stress and their symptoms

    • Identify supportive skills and behaviors

    • Understand the Model of the Mind and how hypnosis works

    • Receive guided hypnosis

  • Hypnotherapy for Better Sleep

    • Understand sleep disorders and their causes

    • Learn strategies for regaining natural sleep

    • Learn the model of the mind and how hypnosis activates the parasympathetic nervous system

    • Receive guided hypnosis

  • Hypnotherapy for Creating Prosperity through an Abundant Mindset

    • Understand the Model of the Mind and how hypnosis works

    • Identify what abundance means to you

    • Identify negative beliefs about money & abundance and learn how to reverse them

    • Learn and experience self-hypnosis

Workshop Series

Succeeding in Education Workshop Series

This series includes the following workshops which provide the tools needed to succeed in any educational environment.

  • Learn how thoughts control the body

    Identify what stands in the way of better test taking performance

    Create anchors for positive resource states

    Learn and experience self-hypnosis

  • Learn the types of stress and their symptoms

    Identify supportive skills and behaviors

    Understand the Model of the Mind and how hypnosis works

    Receive guided hypnosis

  • Understand sleep disorders and their causes

    Learn strategies for regaining natural sleep

    Learn the model of the mind and how hypnosis activates the parasympathetic nervous system

    Receive guided hypnosis

The STEADY Workshop Series

This 6 workshop series teaches you to manage stress & anxiety + learn to be steady in any situation.

This program is for:

  • Individuals who are tired of the constant stress and anxious feelings in their daily life and are looking to take back control and feel good now

  • Corporations who want to provide their employees with tools to help them manage their well-being at home and on the job

This program includes:

  • 6 in-person or on-line training sessions 

  • Self-discovery exercises associated with each lesson

  • Guided self-hypnosis with each lesson

  • Observe what is happening within your mind, body and spirit. Learn the causes, symptoms and types of stress and identify where and how you experience them.

    Learn what stress is and how it affects your autonomic nervous system

    Understand the different types of stress

    Learn the common symptoms of stress

    Identify where stress shows up for you (Self-discovery exercise)

    Receive guided hypnosis for calm

  • Remember who you are and your divine nature. Uncover your deepest limiting thought about yourself and the decisions you’ve made as a result of it. Learn to reverse that thought and uncover your true potential.

    Discover your true nature

    Identify your deepest negative thought about yourself

    Learn to reverse that negative thought

    Identify those decisions or life choices that resulted from that negative thought (Self-discovery exercise)

    Receive guided hypnosis for self worth

  • Empower yourself by becoming aware of beliefs that don’t serve you. Reverse and amend those false beliefs and create new ones to enhance your life.

    Understand what a belief is and how it drives emotions and activates the autonomic nervous system

    Identify positive and negative beliefs (Self-discovery exercise)

    Reverse/amend negative beliefs (Self-discovery exercise)

    Receive guided hypnosis

  • Accumulate new skills and resources to handle stress in the moment. Think back to individuals who are composed during stressful situations. Identify the traits you admire in them and learn how to develop those traits within yourself. Discover new and positive ways to support and nurture yourself.

    Learn supportive skills and behaviors

    Identify people you admire and why (Self-discovery exercise)

    Identify new skills and behaviors you can adopt (Self-discovery exercise)

    Receive guided hypnosis for supportive skills and behaviors

  • Design specific skills and affirmations and imagery to program into your mind so that you obtain the results you desire. Learn how to create effective scripts from the knowledge you gained in steps S through A.

    Learn how to write suggestions

    Understand the keys to good imagery

    Design your own suggestions and imagery (Self-discovery exercise)

    Develop a positive resource anchor

    Receive guided hypnosis utilizing your resource anchor

  • Yield the results from your work and discover the new you. Uncover the power of your mind, learn to do self-hypnosis and reap the benefits.

    Understand the model of the mind

    Learn self-hypnosis

    Perform self-hypnosis with minimal guidance

    Learn Coue style self-hypnosis

    Perform Coue style self-hypnosis with minimal guidance

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