What is hypnotherapy?
Hypnotherapy is an educational and self-improvement process that facilitates access to a person’s inner wisdom to assist them in solving problems, increasing motivation, or altering behavior patterns to create positive change. Such change includes but is not limited to overcoming fears, altering habits, managing stress, improving relationships and enhancing performance. It is the application of universally accepted self-discovery techniques and self-improvement methods utilized during the hypnotic state, that help to free you from fear-based programming and assumed limitations.
What does it mean to be in a hypnotic state?
The hypnotic state is a natural state that everyone has experienced. If you’ve ever been in the flow and had no concept of time, you were there. If you’ve ever been so occupied with a thought while driving home that you have no idea how you reached your driveway, you were there. When hypnosis is induced, you experience an extraordinary quality of mental, physical and emotional relaxation and you have an emotional desire to satisfy the behaviors being suggested to you. Hypnosis activates your parasympathetic nervous system which causes blood to flow to your higher brain function and boosts your immune system, your digestive system and your reproductive system. Your critical mind becomes relaxed and you are accepting of new beneficial programming.
What are your qualifications?
I am a Certified Medical Support Clinical Hypnotherapist and Fellow of the International Board of Hypnotherapy (IBH). IBH has the most rigorous requirements for certification and exists to regulate and maintain a demonstrated level of professional training, ability, reliability and ethics in the hypnotherapy community.
I studied at the prestigious Hypnotherapy Academy of America (HAA) and practice Integral Hypnotherapy™. Integral Hypnotherapy™, developed by Tim and Angela Simmerman Sierra and only taught at HAA, combines classical hypnotherapy with modern methods and protocols. It is the only approach scientifically validated by National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded research. The 4-year, 3 million dollar study funded by NIH was conducted at the University of New Mexico Hospital utilizing Integral Hypnotherapy™. The study showed that hypnotherapy had equal (and in some individuals, superior) results to that of standard medical drug therapy for the treatment of Overactive Bladder (OAB)/Urinary Urgency Incontinence (UUI) in women. Click here for more information regarding the study.
How is the subconscious mind involved?
Because we operate at least 95% of our lives from subconscious programming (leaving only 5% from the conscious mind), the subconscious is a key area to be harnessed while making real change happen. The good news is that hypnosis taps into your subconscious mind allowing limiting negative beliefs to be reprogrammed. With hypnosis, your critical, analytical mind is relaxed facilitating communication between the conscious and subconscious mind. The newly programmed positive beliefs then empower you to achieve your goals.
Will I lose control while in hypnosis?
No. This is a common myth regarding hypnosis. You will not lose control of your mind or body. While you are accessing your subconscious mind in hypnosis, you will still have access to your conscious mind. Be assured, you will not share any deep dark secrets that you don’t want to reveal.
What happens in a session?
All sessions occur over Zoom so that you can easily relax into hypnosis from the comfort of your own home. At the start of each session, we’ll discuss how you’re doing with your goal and I will explain the induction technique and protocol I will use during that day’s session. With my guidance, either before or during hypnosis, you will identify or reveal the negative or limiting beliefs that need to be replaced. Together, we will construct positive suggestions and imagery to reprogram the mind with new empowering beliefs. Once you are in the hypnotic state and accessing your subconscious mind, we will saturate it with these positive suggestions and imagery. It is important for you to dwell on the positive ideas, picture the imagery completely and feel the corresponding positive emotions in order to re-educate your subconscious mind. I will then count you out of hypnosis and we will discuss your experience. I will also give you an audio recording or some simple exercises to do at home that will help you achieve your goal faster.
How many sessions are required and what is the cost?
The majority of goals require 3 to 8 sessions. Each session is 60-90 minutes in length with the exception of the first session which may last up to 2 hours. Packages start at $900.