What you need to know…
Hypnotherapy is an educational and self-improvement process that facilitates access to a person’s internal resources to assist them in solving problems, increasing motivation, or altering behavior patterns to create positive change. It is the application of universally accepted self-discovery techniques and self-improvement methods utilized during the hypnotic state, that help to free you from fear-based programming and assumed limitations.
The hypnotic state is when you’re in the flow and have no concept of time. It’s also the state you’re in when you’ve been so occupied with a thought while driving home you forgot how you got there. Since hypnosis is a natural state of mind, each of us enters it during our daily life. When in hypnosis, you experience an extraordinary quality of mental, physical and emotional relaxation and you have an emotional desire to satisfy the behaviors being suggested to you. Your critical mind is relaxed and you are accepting of new beneficial programming.
You can unleash your potential and achieve your goals with hypnotherapy.
The key to unlock real change is the subconscious mind.
Because we operate at least 95% of our lives from subconscious programming (yep, only 5% from the conscious mind), the subconscious is key to making real change happen. The good news is that hypnosis taps into your subconscious mind allowing limiting negative beliefs to be reprogrammed. With hypnosis, your critical, analytical mind is relaxed facilitating communication between the conscious and subconscious mind. The newly programmed positive beliefs then empower you to achieve your goals.